Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thing #13

Wow! This was a long, two day activity for me. I spent hours just reading, looking, searching. There is so much information and I still struggle with questions like, "Is this information true? Is the source reliable? Did they do any research? Is this person really who they say the are?" I realize anything can be out there and it is my job to analyze and decide how to use it. I searched for recipes, leadership, school culture, authors, etc. and found myself buried in information. I couldn't stop reading. There are so many ideas out there, so many opinions, so many thoughts. I still struggle with wondering if I really want the world to know my thoughts. I followed one of my subscriptions and saw my username on a tag and realized anyone could click on that and go straight to my bookmarks. Then I wondered what they would think of my bookmarks and what would people learn about me through my bookmarks. Again, I still struggle with "being out there." Yet, I want to take advantage of the information out there so I must be willing to "play." This certainly does take playing. It took me a while to figure out tags, bookmarks, subscriptions, etc., but I can see some great benefits. One on my teachers talked about sharing her bookmarks with her team and that this would make it so much easier than the way she did it in the past! Go SH!!! I would love to be networked with other principals and piggyback off their finds! If you look at my bookmarks have some fun with some of the games. Then you will see why I was up all night!

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