Monday, June 22, 2009

Thing #1

Lifelong learning is vital to our job. We have to be ready to apply the most recent research to our tasks, take advantage of the most advanced technology tools, and pursue global information in our decision-making. Learning becomes a habit. We need to be constantly reading, talking, thinking, and creating in order to offer our students the very best.

All that to say, I think the most important habit for me will be to teach and mentor others. My hope is to become comfortable with these skills so that I can model them regularly for the teachers. The goal would then be for them to see the ease with which I have mastered the Web 2.0 tools, and then they will be willing to use the tools in their classrooms. The problem, of course, is the "ease" with which I use the tools. That is yet to be seen. I have already failed my first goal to be through with Thing #7 by June 22!!!

This leads me to Habit 2, which apparently is the most difficult for me right now. Since I am only on Thing #3, and we are well into week two, I am not really demonstrating responsibility for my own learning. I do, however, have the desire to explore and am excited about the upcoming learning activities. Besides, I am determined to stay ahead of certain friends with accomplishing the "things" in a timely manner!

The easiest habit for me will be Habit 7 1/2. I do enjoy "playing" on the computer and am excited about the possibilities out there. Once I actually sit down and begin using new tools or programs, I usually become addicted and find it difficult to walk away. Hence, I often sleep through cafeteria duty.

1 comment:

  1. Don't be too hard on'll move faster, the further you get into the class. Just keep moving! :)
